January 2022
Latest News, Message from the Board
It is my pleasure to report on the activities of Forward Brunswick since its inauguration in February of 2021. This marked the combination of New City Brunswick and Forward Brunswick into one non-profit community improvement organization.
Our first step as a newly appointed board was to ensure that we have daily direction from a qualified executive director. We are very fortunate to have found the right leader in Erin Granados. Her background was the right fit for our mission and she has been a very effective executive.
Another early decision was to expand the board from five members to eight with the addition of Don Myers, Bernard McCloud, and Michele Seals. We anticipate adding new members in 2022 as we assess the need for additional expertise and community representation.
Early in the year, we engaged the Georgia Conservancy to analyze 13 plans that have been developed over the years. These range from Blueprint Brunswick, Mary Ross Waterfront Park Master Plan and the RSVP Plan facilitated by the Carl Vinson Center at UGA. The Conservancy’s task was to identify common themes, challenges, priorities and gaps that should be addressed for future Forward Brunswick activities and goals. With Georgia Conservancy’s analysis and input from the community, we have categorized our goals as Amenities, Beautification, and Development.
A major objective for our first year was to provide financial stability by obtaining funding commitments for three years of operations. A Partnership program was developed providing an opportunity for local businesses and individuals to underwrite our mission. I’m pleased to report we are well on our way to obtaining these funds and should complete this effort by March 1, 2022.
Please take a look at our website, www.forwardbrunswick.org. This will give you a better understanding of the objectives that have been established through our partnerships with a wide variety of local businesses, agencies and the non-profit community. We are all about partnerships and a review of our strategic goals will reinforce this perception.
As ever, our board welcomes your ideas about how we can, as a community, recognize that Brunswick is the heart of the Golden Isles, and needs the enthusiastic support of every citizen in our wonderful coastal community.
-Ben Slade, Chair of the Board of Directors